Ash wakes up, dresses, and runs out the door Ash gets to Oak's last, is given a Pikachu as a challenge Names the Pikachu Sparkster, connects immediately Ash goes home, get stuff for journey, and sets out On Route north of Pallet, goes to lake and takes a swim Finds a hook and lure underwater and give it a tug Reeled in by girl, name is Misty Ash dries off while introducing himself, offers to travel together Finds lost Caterpie, captures her and names her Monarch Ash and Misty walk to Viridian, takes eight days, Monarch evolves in Metapod They enter Viridian eighth evening, find Gary, Misty rejects offer to travel with him Spend two days resting, Ash ventures west and captures Female Nidoran, names her Empress Travels north through Viridian Forest, finds lost Tailow, captures but doesn't name Monarch evolves into Butterfree halfway through forest Journey to Pewter takes nine days, seven days in Forest, two days after forest One day to rest, then on to Pewter Gym Ash fights Forrest, Geodude vs. Empress; strategy: Poison Point ability and Double Kick Ash fights Brock, Onix vs. Monarch, Aron vs. Sparkster; strategy: Poison Powder+Confusion, Thunder Wave+Thundershock Earns Boulder Badge; stays night with Brock and siblings Sets out east towards Mount Moon; journey takes two days, stays night at Pokémon Center and Lodge at base of mountain Decides to take tunnel; tremor causes Ash and Misty to seperate Ash finds and catches Zubat and Clefairy; names them Remelia and Fae Ash and Misty reunite; find Team Rocket mining operation headed by Admins Jessie and James Confrontation: Jessie's Ekans, James's Koffing vs. Ash's Monarch, Misty's Starmie; Jessie's Hitmonchan vs. Ash's Remelia, Misty's Tailow Strategy: Stun Spore+Confusion vs. Koffing, Confuse Ray+Water Gun+Rapid Spin vs. Ekans; Supersonic+Peck+Quick Attack vs. Hitmonchan Ash gives Misty Tailow after first fight when Hitmonchan shows up Team Rocket escapes, job complete; Moon Stones and Fossils mined Ash pickes up two loose Moon Stones and a Dome Fossil; Misty found a Pokémon egg while separated, picks up a Helix Fossil Upon exiting Mt. Moon tunnel, they find a small unnamed village; they stay the night to rest up and Ash catches an Oddish he nicknames Sundance The journey to Cerulean takes most of the next day; they head for the gym, but after a confrontation with Misty's sisters, they refuse to battle They go to Cerulean Pokémon Center and Ash calls Oak to clear up the issue of the refusal; Misty renounces Jr. Trainer status and asks for a Dex Back to the gym, Ash is allowed the challenge; vs. Lily: Goldeen vs. Sundance, vs. Violet: Seel vs. Monarch, vs. Daisy: Starmie vs. Sparkster 1st match: Sundance uses Sweet Scent to throw off Goldeen's Peck attack, then Stun Spore over the whole battlefield; finishes with Absorb 2nd match: Monarch flits about avoiding Water Guns and Ice Beams, then counters with Poison Powder and Confusion 3rd match: Starmies Light Screen blocks Thundershock, forcing Sparkster to Quick Attack; Thunder Wave after Starmie dives, Starmie counters with Confuse Ray, which Ash helps Sparkster snap out of, then proceeds to dive and Thundershock Earns Cascade Badge, Misty argues with sisters; Misty disavows them and they leave the gym to go back to the Center for a rest Police blockade all but north exit from town due to recent string of robberies; on way out Gary confronts them, challenges Ash 1-on-1 Ash fights Gary, Bellsprout vs. Sundance; strategy: Sweet Scent+Stun Spore+Absorb, dancing to evade attacks North is a dock (police blockaded), Bill's Lighthouse, and Cerulean Cape; Ash finds and catches an Abra nicknamed Cleo; exchanges Monarch for Cleo in main team Next day, blockade lifted; on way out of town south, a random Rocket grunt recognizes Ash and Misty from Mt. Moon and challenges them; Drowzee and Sandshrew vs. Staryu and Empress; Empress evolves after battle They find a Pokémon Daycare a day's journey out; Ash spars with a wild Mankey who agrees to join Ash afterwards; Mankey nicknamed Kong, exchanged into team for Empress Saffron City on lockdown; underground tunnel to Vermilion still open